Tuesday, December 1, 2009

With such beginnings......

I started this blog as part of my social media workshop. I hope to continue this and also hope there will be people out there who may follow it.

In the grand scope of things this is a miniscule projection of information into the media called the Internet.

There are many thing we could think about but the end of times is as good a start as anything.

The last few years has seen an increase in the awareness of what we are doing to the planet. Gaia, our mother, is in a sore disposition over our reckless use of her. Can't blame her.

For Gaia we are but one of the millions species that she propagates and sustains. Granted that as a specie, we are rather advanced and that we do know or are aware at a more advanced level than other species. Nevertheless we are but one.

Let’s see it from her point of view. You do know that Gaia is a living entity with a high level of awareness, maybe more than the combined awareness of all humans, don’t you?
Over 6 billion of one of the most destructive of species is running rampant on the planet. Other species are endangered, some have become extinct and this trend is escalating. The waterways are poisoned, the land is poisoned, the air is posoned, the level of ‘use’ of other resources has risen to an unprecedented level.

Over a billion of that particular species are at the tail-end of the resource chain, eking a living out of ruined land or from scavenging. A child dies of hunger every five minutes.

If you were a mother to the entire human population (as well as the other living entities), what would you do?

You would scream for help.

That is what Mother Gaia is presently doing – just screaming. God forbid that she starts to hit out in a temper if we continue our rampaging pillage of the earth.

More next time

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