Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Earth Owns Us II

Earthquakes are fearsome to a different level – they come without any warning and rip the ground from under our feet. Unlike hurricanes, flooding and other ‘predictable’ natural disasters, an earthquake rattles us to the bone because we have no answer to the fury of that sudden ground shake.

Adding to the fearsomeness of earthquakes is its concomitant disaster, the dread tsunami if the earthquake is epicentred at sea.

Science can only step in after the quake to say how big the quake was in comparison to atomic bombs, why it happened on this fault line, whether some plate was subducting, and so on. There is little science can do, no matter how advanced we get.

Some scientists have realised the idea of how the skin of the earth works and are able to correctly say where earthquakes could possibly strike, but they are rare. Some people, probably mathematicians, observe planet orbits, pull of gravity of celestial bodies and sometimes correctly predict an earthquake happening. These, of course, are pooh pahed by mainstream science and its followers.

There is evidence of both the ‘capability’ of what an earthquake/tsunami (and other natural disasters) can do at its most fearsome, as well as evidence of the inability of science in stopping this from happening.

For this we have to shake off some prevailing scientific thoughts and see with different eyes what was happening on earth many, many years ago. In the first part of this article ‘The Earth Owns Us’, I dwelt on the earth as a continually changing entity with an inherent ability to balance itself as it circuits the Milky Way.

This balancing act of Mother Earth is the cause of much of our natural disasters. There are forces in play here that are largely beyond the comprehension of much of mankind – all we see is isolated events of natural destruction and think of them as a one-off (or in the case of Christchurch, two-off) event.

Many mainstream scientists shy away from the fact that each and every natural disaster on Planet Earth is inter-connected. It may be an intellectual exercise for us to admit that inter-connectedness but very hard to accept as a reality. The reality remains that we in this part of the world were visited by a natural disaster, that Japan was visited by another natural disaster, that Myanmar had its own disaster. We tend to own these disasters and work on ways to get around them.

No real effort is made to see the inter-connectedness that leads to these disasters. Yet, history provides ample proof (if we approach history with an open mind) that ‘natural disasters’ were the cause of major massive changes to the planet, enough to wipe out whole species. Enough to wipe out whole civilisations.

Science says a ‘non-natural disaster’ like a comet or asteroid hitting Earth 65 million years ago wiped out the dinosaurs. For many, the jury is still out on this theory. In the past 65 million years the changes to Earth has been of its own volition – the poles engorged with ice throwing the planet off balance and thus leading to pole shift. Pole shift is when the north and south poles switch, or when the poles end up at the equator and the equator becomes the poles.

In The Earth's Shifting Crust, and two successive books, Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings (1966) and The Path of the Pole (1970), Charles Hapgood proposed the radical theory that the Earth's axis has shifted numerous times during geological history. The Earth's crust had undergone repeated displacements and that the geological concepts of continental drift, and sea-floor spreading, owed their secondary livelihoods to the primary nature of crustal shift. According to Hapgood, crustal shift was made possible by a layer of liquid rock situated about 100 miles beneath the surface of the planet.
In The Path of the Pole he wrote:
Polar wandering is based on the idea that the outer shell of the Earth shifts about from time to time, moving some continents toward and other continents away from the poles. Continental drift is based on the idea that the continents move individually. A few writers have suggested that perhaps continental drift causes polar wandering. This book advances the notion that polar wandering is primary and causes the displacement of continents. My book will present evidence that the last shift of the Earth's crust (the lithosphere) took place in recent time, at the close of the last ice age, and that it was the cause of the improvement in climate. – from the Internet.

However much science says that man only evolved into a civilised being in the past 10,000 or so years, evidence all over the world show that civilisation is more ancient than that. I have already talked of the underwater cities discovered around Japan and Taiwan and India and off the coast of Bimini Atoll in the Bahamas. The pyramids of Egypt (presently in a desert) show water marks on their sides dating back to 9600 BCE.

A major cataclysm caused these sunken cities, some stretching for miles outward from its centres with roads comparable to modern day highways, to be covered by the sea. In some cases, the sinking was gradual, in others sudden and disastrous.

One event supersedes every other natural disaster to come up with a solution for these sunken cities – the universal Flood or Deluge. Whether from the Bible, the Puranas, the Chinese scriptures, or Tibetan scriptures or the myths and legends of the natives of the continents – the Incas, the Mayans, Indians of North America or the islanders of Hawaii or Easter Islands, one fact stands out. There was a massive flood – whether from a tsunami or a rising of the sea level or the sinking of the landmass or a mixture of all three. And it happened some 10,000 plus years ago.

The Incas and Mayans as well as the Hopi Indians of North America also ‘tell’ of the foreigners who came to them, as either bringers of knowledge or as conquerors. In some case, the foreigners were then turned into gods and worshipped, others were prophets who told of things that were to come in the future.

They told the people that they were the remnants of a great people whose cities had been destroyed in floods, that they, the survivors, wanted to pass on the knowledge they had accrued so that they wouldn’t be lost altogether. It is theorised that the pyramids of South America are works of these survivors rather then the works of the natives of that place. Some see the Olmecs, a civilisation superseding the Mayans, as the survivors of the global catastrophe, who then died out and whose pyramids and other artefacts were taken over by the natives.

There are many who believe in this theory, and not only that, this as well as other theories of ancient civilisation that go back to pre-10,000 BCE, is substantiated by the digging up of OOParts: out of place artefacts – archaeological artefacts that make no sense in the present understanding of history.

Some examples below:

• There are prehistoric copper mines on Lake Superior, in California, Arkansas, New Mexico, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Georgia, New Jersey and Ohio, where prehistoric iron smelting furnaces have also been found.

• Manganese was mined near Broken Hill in Zambia. Carbon dating of charcoal on the site indicates these mines were being worked 28,130 years ago.

• Ancient 8,000-year-old shoes found in a Missouri cave – mainstream science says no one was living in the region at that time.

• BBC News Online science editor Dr David Whitehouse: Woven clothing was being produced on looms 27,000 years ago, far earlier than had been thought, scientists say.

• The famous Ice Age statuettes known as the Venus of Willendorf and of Brassempouy show clear evidence of stylised hair – that is, at the time of so-called caveman, the Neanderthal people.

• Ancient ornaments of platinum found in Ecuador. This poses a provoking question--how could the American Indian produce the temperature of over 1,770 degrees Celsius necessary to melt it? It should be borne in mind here that the melting of platinum in Europe was achieved only two centuries ago.

• The tomb of the Chinese general Chow Chu (A.D. 265-316) presents a mystery. When analyzed by the spectroscope, a metal girdle showed 10 percent copper, 5 percent manganese, and 85 percent aluminium. But according to the history of science aluminium was obtained for the first time by Oersted in 1825 by a chemical method.

• An iron pillar in Delhi which weighs 6 tons and is about 7.5 meters high has, for fifteen centuries (it could be more, according to some experts), withstood the tropical heat of India plus the heavy downpours during the monsoons. It does not show any signs of rust formation and provides proof of the superior metallurgical skill of ancient India.

Despite these OOParts, mainstream science refuses to acknowledge the existence of civilisations pre-3000 BCE. Or maybe they haven’t gotten around to changing the textbooks yet.

Yet, millions accept that there were civilisations before the so-called ancient civilisations of Sumer, Babylon, Egypt, Harappa and Mohenjo Daro. These millions accept it through their scriptures: whether the Bible, or the Hindu texts, or the Islamic scriptures, or the Buddhist annals.

Whether it be Noah’s Ark or Manu’s boat pulled by the Matsaya avatar, the deluge at the melting of the last Ice Age has been put into folk history. The history of an entire era, a civilisation, no less, have been put down in these ancient books. Granted over time, it has been added to, subtracted from and hyperbolised to become almost meaningless in a modern world but the fact remains that for all its over-the-top legends, the scriptures may be the best representation of the ancient civilisations that pre-dated us, for science as well as for religion.

And as we move in situation with global warming, polar ice cap meltdowns, increasing earthquake activity and a slow pole shift (the north pole has a south-bound shift by over 12 degrees in the past 25 years), what are we to make of these myths and legends?

There a lot of people out there on the fringe who believe that a major crust displacement could happen soon. And that the increasing number of earthquakes are signs that this could happen. What is a crustal displacement?: “The theory of Crustal Displacement states that the entire crust of the Earth can shift in one piece like the lose skin on an orange.”

It is hard to believe that a great flood or a massive tsunami could be the cause of a global catastrophe but add in the crustal displacement theory and it becomes almost viable.

Could this be what happened to the ancient civilisations? Could it be that, in one of its balancing acts, the Earth saw a crustal displacement happen where the ice caps (over-weight and cumbersome) moved into warmer parts and were melted? Scriptural stories tell of a quick deluge, but not a sudden one. In the Bible, it is said that it ‘rained for 40 days and 40 nights’ (could it mean something else than a literal rain flood?); in the Puranas, the flood was unstoppable but gradual. In other myths and legends, the flooding was accompanied by earthquakes, erupting volcanoes and subsiding land masses. Different things happened in different parts of the globe although, apparently, each of them was connected to the main event – the crustal displacement.

What could those ancient civilisations do on the face of a massive flooding? Nothing. That civilisation was not prepared for a global phenomenon of this magnitude.

Our scriptures tells of the high technology that these civilisations had – of flying vehicles, of weapons on par with nuclear bombs, of weapons with missile-like features. Here was a civilisation of conquests and empire-building, using weapons of a high technology and infrastructure that equalled any modern present-day country.

Yet, they had no answer to nature’s adjustment of itself. Entire cities were flooded, those who could leave did, those who couldn’t….

The survivors took to higher grounds, met with ‘lesser civilised’ people, erected monuments to their lost civilisations and tried to pass on as much of their accrued knowledge as they could. (Ever wondered why the gods of most mythology choose a mountain for their abode? Higher grounds would be a natural when the world was under water around you.)

But it is hard to pass on a few thousand years of knowledge to people who could barely read or had no idea what a wheel was. What was passed on as knowledge was effectively for daily use, some astronomical calculation and better agricultural practices while ‘higher knowledge’ was reserved for a selected few (and apparently jealously guarded by those few).

And how does a survivor pass on the wonders of a high civilisation to people who have been hunters and gatherers all their lives, who believe him to be a god? He tells them of the wonders at a level of understanding that they can comprehend and thus these stories become part of their mythology, of their religion.

Finally, what does a survivor do to leave behind a sign of the passing of such a civilisation for future generations? He builds monuments – like the pyramids, maybe Stonehenge, great etchings in the ground, so that his people do not pass out of the memory of mankind.

Iron, steel and glass are pretty fragile because the elements decomposes them quickly within a few hundred years, as the survivors would have known. So they resorted to stone, massive stones to create monuments to their vanished civilisation. These stone monuments, peppered around the world, is all that remains of this proud global civilisation.

And, they say, history repeats itself.

In 1958 Hapgood published his first book, The Earth's Shifting Crust in collaboration with James H. Campbell, a mathematician and engineer. Here we find a foreword by Albert Einstein shortly before his death.
I frequently receive communications from people who wish to consult me concerning their unpublished ideas. It goes without saying that these ideas are very seldom possessed of scientific validity. The very first communication, however, that I received from Mr. Hapgood electrified me. His idea is original, of great simplicity, and if it continues to prove itself of great importance to everything that is related to the history of the earth's surface. I think that this rather astonishing, even fascinating, idea deserves the serious attention of anyone who concerns himself with the theory of the Earth's development.

The Pleistocene has been dated from 2.588 million (±5,000 years) to 12,000 years before present (BP), with the end date expressed in radiocarbon years as 10,000 carbon-14 years BP.[2] It covers most of the latest period of repeated glaciation, up to and including the Younger Dryas cold spell. The end of the Younger Dryas has been dated to about 9640 BC (11,590 calendar years BP).

What NASA says of the fears associated with 2012.

NASA has already stated:

Nothing bad will happen to the Earth in 2012. Our planet has been getting along just fine for more than 4 billion years, and credible scientists worldwide know of no threat associated with 2012.

Nibiru and other stories about wayward planets are an Internet hoax. There is no factual basis for these claims. If Nibiru or Planet X were real and headed for an encounter with the Earth in 2012, astronomers would have been tracking it for at least the past decade, and it would be visible by now to the naked eye. Obviously, it does not exist. Eris is real, but it is a dwarf planet similar to Pluto that will remain in the outer solar system; the closest it can come to Earth is about 4 billion miles.

The Earth has always been subject to impacts by comets and asteroids, although big hits are very rare. The last big impact was 65 million years ago, and that led to the extinction of the dinosaurs. Today NASA astronomers are carrying out a survey called the Spaceguard Survey to find any large near-Earth asteroids long before they hit. We have already determined that there are no threatening asteroids as large as the one that killed the dinosaurs. All this work is done openly with the discoveries posted every day on the NASA NEO Program Office website, so you can see for yourself that nothing is predicted to hit in 2012.

Q: How do NASA scientists feel about claims of pending doomsday?
A: For any claims of disaster or dramatic changes in 2012, where is the science? Where is the evidence? There is none, and for all the fictional assertions, whether they are made in books, movies, documentaries or over the Internet, we cannot change that simple fact. There is no credible evidence for any of the assertions made in support of unusual events taking place in December 2012.

Q: Is there a danger from giant solar storms predicted for 2012?
A: Solar activity has a regular cycle, with peaks approximately every 11 years. Near these activity peaks, solar flares can cause some interruption of satellite communications, although engineers are learning how to build electronics that are protected against most solar storms. But there is no special risk associated with 2012. The next solar maximum will occur in the 2012-2014 time frame and is predicted to be an average solar cycle, no different than previous cycles throughout history.

Re: Crustal displacement and a sudden Ice Age - Thousands of animals have been found to be frozen in a brief moment of geological time. Ancient maps of Antarctica suggests that it too was 'frozen over' in a brief moment in time.
By studying the carcasses of the woolly mammoth and rhino found in the northern regions of Siberia and Canada one can see the land these animals grazed on was suddenly shoved into a much colder climate. Their stomachs reveal food found in warm climates where they grazed just prior to their deaths. This was found frozen along with them suddenly.

Very little is known about the Precambrian, despite it making up roughly seven-eighths of the Earth's history, and what little is known has largely been discovered in the past fifty years. The Precambrian fossil record is poor, and those fossils present (e.g. stromatolites) are of limited biostratigraphic use.[5] Many Precambrian rocks are heavily metamorphosed, obscuring their origins, while others have either been destroyed by erosion, or remain deeply buried beneath Phanerozoic strata.[6][7]
It is thought that the Earth itself coalesced from material in orbit around the Sun roughly 4500 Ma and may have been struck by a very large (Mars-sized) planetesimal shortly after it formed, splitting off material that came together to form the Moon (see Giant impact theory). A stable crust was apparently in place by 4400 Ma, since zircon crystals from Western Australia have been dated at 4404 Ma.[8]
The term Precambrian is somewhat out-moded, but is still in common use among geologists and paleontologists. It was briefly also called the Cryptozoic eon.

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