Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The Theory

Swami started deteriorating after the 2004 tsunami disaster. I always believed that Swami took the brunt of the 9.1 earthquake and that it could have been worse. I thought the earth was going to slip her skin, the poles switch and Swami took much of the force onto himself to stop the poles switching.

But recently some new research has had me thinking more on this. Coronal Mass Ejections changed the very atmosphere of Earth over a thousand years ago - in the years 774 and 993. These CMEs were very powerful and created traces amounts of radioactive elements – chlorine-36, beryllium-10 and carbon-14 – when huge amounts of subatomic particles slammed into the atmosphere and terra firma.

This CMEs are regular occurrences - the Carrignton Event of 1859 created an aurora as far south as Mexicoa nd Hawaii. The electricity in the air was so dense that the telegraph worked even when the power was disconnected. A much smaller CME in 1989 caused widespread power failure and blackouts in Quebec.

More importantly, there was a coronal mass ejection in 2012, the year the Mayan said the world was to end. It was around the same size as the 1859 one but it went off in another direction and missed the Earth.

Now imagine this – Sathya Sai Baba is the Automatiku Light Suku Adi Peda Vaddu. He is charged with keeping the planetary orbits in check. What if He was aware that the 2012 CME would hit Earth? What if He decided to slightly adjust the orbit of the  Earth around the Sun so as to ensure the CME would be a miss?

Did that adjustment include the 2004 earthquake – to slow down the spin, to speed it up? I don’t believe in coincidences and the ‘coincidence’ of the 2012 CME and the Mayan prophesy is a little too much to be a coincidence.  

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Know Thyself - Series on self analysis

Know Thyself Series

#1 Who are you?

What of us is actually ours?
Our chromosomes are our parents.
Our very name is given by them.
Everyone around us, as we grow up, determines what we turn out to be – our parents, our relations, our relationships, our friends, our colleagues, our enemies.
Our qualifications are bestowed by educational institutes; our achievements by other institutes; our honours still by other institutes. We ‘earn’ them alright, but only in the light of them being given to us under certain circumstances.
Our lives are the attainments and goals that we stitch together to become us.
In the end we are nothing but a long list of things that we are or want to be.
And then we put our own spin on these things – our achievements, and hope when we die they will be remembered, even if only by our loved ones and friends. And if are we lucky, maybe they will be noted down by someone for prosperity. In most cases we make do if just our loved ones remember us with love.
Others give up on these ‘achievements’ and go their way – indulgences, decadence, selfishness, anti-social behaviour. The ‘misfits’. Or the most successful amongst us. Or the talented.
Or those who want to make a difference.
But what are we, in the end? A name to be remembered? Maybe to be honoured? Or remembered with disdain?
In the long run to the end of our lives, we may not even know who we are. We have been so busy living up to the expectations of those who make a difference in our lives that we do not know who we are, or have become.

So, who are we?